Monday, November 21, 2011

A Little Bit of Bio

This is the biographical text from the Smashwords edition of Salop House.

 Martin Nichols was born in the English county of Norfolk in 1955. He has degrees in English & French and in History. For many years he was an educational administrator and then a charity manager. He now teaches at the Open University, specialising in Greek and Roman Myth and Linguistics. In the 1970s and 1980s he wrote regularly for several UK magazines. This is his first novel; he is presently writing Meet at this Grave, a second novel involving John Sheldrick and his companions. He is married and currently lives near Cambridge, England.

It's odd writing about yourself in the third person. Julius Caesar does this in his books (On the Gallic War; On the Civil War, but you knew that) and it even seems weird there. Strictly speaking, this is my first first published book, unless of course you include Shun The Dark, which I wrote several years ago and which has been available for over a year on a freeby site. STD is set in the Anglo-Saxon kingdom of Northumbria in AD680. I thought it was pretty competent, but it got no takers from the publishing world.

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